Wellness Wednesday: Sweet, Sweet Carbs
Join Mark and E-liz as they discuss the 3rd and final macro - Carbohydrates. They break down the best types of carbs and discuss how everyone is different. Call in and let us know what topic you want to hear next on the podcast!
Walk through the carb jungle with Mark and E-liz.
Call in today to vote on what we should discuss next on the podcast! Call: 615-257-9905 and leave a voicemail or email podcast@firstfleetinc.com or vote on our Facebook Poll :D
How does your food rank on the Glycemic Index?
"Your genes are the gun but your lifestyle is the trigger" - so how are you living? And where is your lifestyle leading you - Are you headed down the path towards diabetes? or metabolic fitness?
Call in today to vote on what we should discuss next on the podcast! Call: 615-257-9905 and leave a voicemail or email podcast@firstfleetinc.com or vote on our Facebook Poll :D
How does your food rank on the Glycemic Index?
"Your genes are the gun but your lifestyle is the trigger" - so how are you living? And where is your lifestyle leading you - Are you headed down the path towards diabetes? or metabolic fitness?